Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chronicle Herald Jan 2 2009 Equality reached its meaning?? Pardon me?

According to the article by Kipling in Jan 2 paper it would seem that equality will finally reach its meaning in the U.S. After all, they did elect a black man to the presidency. If this truly means equality has finally arrived, does that mean the end to racial profiling by police? Does that mean that black males will no longer be three times more likely to be pulled over and have their vehicles searched, even though white males are four time more likely to have illegal drugs in their car? Does this mean an end to new prisons and the beginning of new schools? After all, equality is here, so does that mean prisons will no longer be disproportionately filled with people of colour, even though the majority of crimes are committed by white males? Has equality really at long last reached its meaning because a black man is the president of the United States? Lets ask those who feel discrimination every day. Those who are denied a mortgage because of the colour of their skin even though they are better qualified to pay it. Lets ask those of colour who have their resume thrown in the garbage because their name does not sound white. Lets ask those who are overlooked at a counter, as if they are not there and the person behind them is waited on. Has equality really reached its meaning? I say no.

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