So I have been watching, reading, listening to pretty much everything I can about the goings on in the US of A as of late regarding the town hall meetings and Health Care Reform. To recap, a Black woman attending this meeting was sitting in her chair with a rolled poster sitting on a chair in front of her. A reporter approached her inquiring as to the contents of the poster. Turns out it was a picture of Rosa Parks. A White gentleman ( and I use that term to be polite) hell with it, this asshole, gets up, walks over to the Black lady, destroys the poster and sets back down. As the police or glorified security roughly escorted the lady from the premises, the audience had the audacity to cheer them on. For those of you who may have watched this incident on any channel OTHER than CNN, what you saw was a vocal, agitated Black woman being escorted out of the hall. you did not get the whole story. What you did not see is the footage of the police confronting a White male, female, and child holding signs, then laughing and walking the signs stayed. What you did not see were the posters being held by White folk showing Obama as Hitler. What you did not see was the White folks holding signs calling Obama the "n" word. No, what you saw was the Black lady being escorted out after SHE was assulted by the White male. And for what? Having a poster with Rosa Parks rolled up on a chair in front of dare she!
So what does this tell us? White privilege exists...of course. Why did the police treat a Balck lady..who was assulted remember, as a criminal and escort forcibly remove her from the premisis, and at the same time, say nothing to the asshole who assultes her..or nothing to the assholes holding signs using the "n" word or the Hitler posters? So what else does it tell us? People, no those who fear they have something to lose with the Healthcare Reform (the haves vs the have nots) are not impressed with the idea of giving a little to help those in need. After all, is it not many of the haves that have been helping themselves to what little the have nots have for years? People no, the privileged, have an issue helping those who need help (taking from themselves to help others. No, because as I recall there was a special on ABC back in February where Diane Swayer went to visit the poor of Appalachia (everyone interviews was White) and low and behold, the day after the special aired, offers of money, scholarship, and all came pouring in for the poor White folk. So what does this prove? The haves do not mind helping out the have long as the have nots look the same.
By looking closely at what is happening and what is being said during this volitile time in the US, it is so easy to see that race is not just playing a part in the current atmosphere of heathcare reform, it is playing first, second, third, catcher, pitcher, outfield...and umpiring. This is so obvious, someone as dense as Rush Limbaugh should even be able to get it...but oh yeah, I forgot, now that there is a Black President, racism is over...WHATEVER
See, it's crap like that that does nothing for race relations. **sigh** I hope to God that something is done to address what happened to this poor woman. Thanks for sharing this, Jude.
ReplyDeleteGlad I found your blog. I'm an African-American genre writer, by the way. :-) I'm going to follow your blog too. :-)