Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good bye CBC, you racist organization

So for at least the 12th time in a couple weeks, I have gotten the boot from CBC. This time, as a report comes out that once again hides the truth behind a murder of a First Nations man by the RCMP. I know the inquiry has found that Chase McKay of the White Bear FN committed suicide by police back in June 2008. However, how can one conclude a person has committed suicide if (1) they are not around to ask, (2) they left no note, and (3) it was not self-inflicted. Comments made by readers assume those suffering from mental illness are just random idiots, etc. To me, this is an all to typical finding when it comes to violence to First Nations from police. RCMP Shooting was death by suicide. Want another example, look here Ceramics to find the story behind Elwood Friday and his treatment for looking drunk, while actually having medical issues. There is very little information on this story, but you can find some. I suggest you look him up to find out how stereotypes promote racism towards FN people by the public and the police.

My latest letter to CBC, please check the link above to the cbc story to see if it gets posted. My name in the comments is justkickin.
I am so sick and tired with cbc and whoever it is moderating these postings. Everytime I post anything that somewhat brings up the topic of racism against FN, Black folks, and others not in mainstream society, it does not get posted...EVERYTIME. However, any attack on said groups, racist comments and all, are allowed to be posted on here. Everyone is entitled to have their opinions heard, as long as they agree with the CBC's opinions. Shame on you CBC for being a contributor to racism. It is organizations like you that keep me in work. But then I wonder why I am wasting my time typing this, a no one will probably see it. I have posted at least a dozen comments over the last couple months that have not gone published, including one to this article about how it is unfair to call someone a random idiot while assuming they have a mental issue..nothing wrong with that statement.. I dare you cbc, print this so people will know how you folks operate.. my views should be heard...along with the racist ones you allow...I DARE YOU

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