As you may or may not know, First Nation University in Regina may be forced to close its doors due to the down right nasty spending habits, ok, let's just say it, theft of "tax payers money" The board has since been disbanded because funding has been cut at multiple levels. Let me start out by saying let's cut funding to all levels of government. If you have been following the news lately here in Nova Scotia,you will get what I mean. After all, $8000+ generators wired up to your home is not exactly above board, nor are the plasma televisions, $2000+ digital cameras, or 3 ipods all bought on the same day. Anyhow, this university is well worth saving, as it is providing the same thing each and every university out there provides, education...and yes culture. This culture comes in a slightly different package and here is where some of the public problems start. Comments I have been reading include verbal diarrhea such as "get an honest education that is actually recognized world-wide"(interesting seeing how the writer spelled recognized wrong), "why should my tax dollars go to help someone learn their culture?" cash in your child tax credits and welfare cheques to pay for it" What people forget to realize, or are so oblivious to the ocean of whiteness we live in, is that this school is teaching the exact same things. One can go to school at FNUC and get their education while at the same time, learn about their culture. They can read FN authors, learn about FN music, ceremonies, and traditional elder teachings. This is the same stuff that is taught, as one poster put it, at "normal" universities. Think about it, at say, Acadia, you learn about white writers, white music, white history, white thinkers, but we do not names these white, we simply call them music, literature, history, philosophy. We have all read Shakespeare, Longfellow, Blake, etc. These are considered classics. I ask, classics to who? Personally I find them quite boring and stuffy...but some folks like them. This university has gone through hell due to its leadership, we all know that, but do not knock the education provided, just because it does not fit your culture, does not mean it is not good. Who is to say one is better than the other, other than being better for the individual. Please save First Nation University.
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