Friday, November 13, 2009

My condolences to Fort Hood, due to one man's actions

My deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of the victims of the recent shootings at Fort Hood. Such an act is beyond horrible and saddens every bit of my soul. I am sure Maj. Hasan will pay for his actions, and rightfully so. What does scare me however, is the fact that he is Muslim. I knew the emotional and sometimes irrational sides of certain people would kick in and see this as a connection to religion instead of the person. Today, that became blatant and in my face as I read the words of Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issues analysis with the American Family Association. Here are a few words he posted on the AFA website shortly after the shootings:
  • “It is time, I suggest, to stop the practice of allowing Muslims to serve in the U.S. military. The reason is simple: the more devout a Muslim is, the more of a threat he is to national security. Devout Muslims, who accept the teachings of the prophet as divinely inspired, believe it is their duty to kill infidels. Yesterday’s massacre is living proof.”
  • “the more devout a Muslim is, the more likely he is to lie to you through his teeth,”
  • “You invent a jihadi-detector that works every time it’s used, and we’ll welcome you back with open arms. This is not Islamophobia. It is Islamo-realism. The barbarians are no longer at the gate. They’re inside the fort, and it’s time for the insanity to stop.”
I knew words like these would be uttered eventually, but even though I knew it was coming, I still choke on each and every one of them. To judge an entire group of people by the actions of one person is absurd, ridiculous, and well, just plain stupid. Should we ban all White males from being the heads of major corporations? After all, are they not the ones who have been stealing from companies for years and put us in this financial mess in the first place? Or should we ban all Catholics from the military? Does anyone remember that guy a few years back that killed a few people in a building in Oklahoma? Right, it wasn't a few, it was 168. Timothy McVeigh was Catholic. Should we ban all Catholics because of this? Of course not, it is just plain stupid. Please see this for what it was, 1 person, not a race, not a religion, ONE person who committed a horrible act. Once again, my condolences and I am sorry for your loss.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11, a day to remember, a day to mourn, a day to ask, why?

On November 11, at the 11th minute of the 11th hour, Canadians all over the world stop what they are doing and honour those who have fought, those who have come back, and those who have never returned, with two minutes of silence. Today, most of us will take in a ceremony at a legion or cenotaph somewhere in this vast country. We wear our poppies proudly until today, when we will lay them on the cenotaphs, or pin them to a wreath. We owe so much to these men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It makes my heart warm to know children understand as much about our Veterans as I did as a child, as it is one thing we make sure we pass down to future generations. However, it does sadden me as well. We are not passing down all the truth to future generations. I am sure many of my own generation are unaware of the additional sacrifices paid by our First Nation Veterans who have fought side by side with their countrymen and women. While they enlisted and fought side by side during the wars, we all know they were not allowed that equality back in their own country. But what many do not know, as a reward for fighting, the Canadian Veteran's Settlement Act allowed Canadian Veterans (certain Veterans) returning home to buy land at very, very cheap prices. However, many of the Native soldiers who were fortunate enough to return home, were not only not allowed to buy the same land, but usually were not even told about the program. Instead, many returned home to their First Nation communities to find the government had seized huge portions of their reserve land to compensate non-native soldiers. Whole First Nation communities still mourn the loss of thousands of acres of land they were forces to surrender, as if they had lost a war. When these soldiers returned, many did have the option of getting the vote in Canada. Remember up until the 60's First Nations people were not even allowed to vote in their own country. Many feel this was the point we first became Canadian. Anyhow, a vet returning from the war could get the vote, if he were to become white. He had to give up who he was, where he came from, basically forget who he really was, in order to be Canadian. Many did this and in doing so, were not longer considered First Nation/Indian by the government. By society, that was a different story. How could one fit into a society if society did not want one there in the first place? Over 5200 First Nations people have served our military. Many are still waiting to receive even the basic benefits non-native veterans receive and have received for many, many years. Is it because prior to this year we were not even considered human? After all, the Canadian Human Rights Act did not apply to anyone living in a First Nations Community until this year. As we honour those brave soldiers today, on November 11, it is a day to remember, a day to mourn, a day to ask, why?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good bye CBC, you racist organization

So for at least the 12th time in a couple weeks, I have gotten the boot from CBC. This time, as a report comes out that once again hides the truth behind a murder of a First Nations man by the RCMP. I know the inquiry has found that Chase McKay of the White Bear FN committed suicide by police back in June 2008. However, how can one conclude a person has committed suicide if (1) they are not around to ask, (2) they left no note, and (3) it was not self-inflicted. Comments made by readers assume those suffering from mental illness are just random idiots, etc. To me, this is an all to typical finding when it comes to violence to First Nations from police. RCMP Shooting was death by suicide. Want another example, look here Ceramics to find the story behind Elwood Friday and his treatment for looking drunk, while actually having medical issues. There is very little information on this story, but you can find some. I suggest you look him up to find out how stereotypes promote racism towards FN people by the public and the police.

My latest letter to CBC, please check the link above to the cbc story to see if it gets posted. My name in the comments is justkickin.
I am so sick and tired with cbc and whoever it is moderating these postings. Everytime I post anything that somewhat brings up the topic of racism against FN, Black folks, and others not in mainstream society, it does not get posted...EVERYTIME. However, any attack on said groups, racist comments and all, are allowed to be posted on here. Everyone is entitled to have their opinions heard, as long as they agree with the CBC's opinions. Shame on you CBC for being a contributor to racism. It is organizations like you that keep me in work. But then I wonder why I am wasting my time typing this, a no one will probably see it. I have posted at least a dozen comments over the last couple months that have not gone published, including one to this article about how it is unfair to call someone a random idiot while assuming they have a mental issue..nothing wrong with that statement.. I dare you cbc, print this so people will know how you folks operate.. my views should be heard...along with the racist ones you allow...I DARE YOU

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa...

He is red for sure, Republican red, goes by the name of McDonnell, and has a sack full of goodies for you Virginia. Please, please, PLEASE tell me it ain't so. What did you do, just one day short of a year, when you overwhelmingly voted true blue and helped elect Obama to the presidency. I wonder what could have changed for you to vote the likes of Republican Bob McDonnell into office? Now I am hearing over and over "it is time to take back my America" and "bring back the good old days". Are you seriously talking about the good old days of Bush? Or the good old days of daddy bush? Or are we talking the good old days when it was ok, no, fashionable, no, a required mindset, to hate your neighbor based on the color of their skin? Oh hold on a second, as I see a problem with that last statement and I apologize. In the "good old America", it was indeed difficult to hate your neighbor due to their skin color...since chances are...YOUR NEIGHBOR LOOKED LIKE YOU! Now that I think of it, yes, I do believe that is exactly what Virginia is talking about. Why you ask? All you have to do Virginia, is look in the bag your Santa is carrying to see what gifts he is bringing to you. Shall we look together. According to McDonnell's thesis he wrote a few years back, I do not think you will find any jobs for women. I think the words were something along the line of "working women are detrimental to the traditional family". Unmarried couples will no longer be able to use contraceptives. What happened to the state having no place in the bedrooms of the citizens? Oh, and what happened to all the people who said the Federal govt is grabbing on to too much power... should we give them the power to dictate our lives in our homes? On that note, he still believes that marriage should be limited to one man and one woman, but in the same breath, strongly believes that people should not be discriminated against based on gender, orientation, or marital status...amazing what one can say when talking out of both the mouth and the ass at the same time. Sounds like his ass and mouth are having a slight disagreement.
Virginia, oh dear Virginia, please, please..PLEASE tell America there are cameras hidden all over the place and you are going to jump out and yell "GOTCHA" soon, as the shock on my heart from that scare will do less damage than what is being done on it right now by your voting actions. For all of you who are still saying "take back our America" while holding your hand on your heart and saying those words you all hold dear " I pledge allegiance to the flag..." remember who wrote those famous words, yes, that's right, the one and only Francis Bellamy, and in case you did not know, he was a Christian SOCIALIST!!!
...twas the morn after the election and all through the state,
Folks were waking up to a big old mistake,
The ship they were on, I think they just sunk'er
Why the hell did they elect Archie BUNKER???????????????????

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa, and he is hiring, but save your resume, I am not sure he will hire a woman