Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fuck off, we're full??? Racsim and facebook

This morning on facebook I was invited to join a group called "FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL---> Canada. First I apologize for the language, it was theirs...not mine. Now don't get me wrong, I tried to stay off of Facebook as long as I could, and as my children can attest, I managed to stay off for a LONG time. However, it is a great Forum to discuss issues of the day. It is also a great place for the whole privilege piece to come into play. This group is all about how immigration is ruining Canada (remember, a country that is made up of approx 95% immigration). I have decided to copy my one and only posting to this group here, as I am sure it will not be on the site for vary long:

First of all, the only reason I joined this group was so I could post here. Once posted I will be leaving.

1. The national anthem was FIRST written in French, not English, wow...and you call yourself Canadian. It was not even proclaimed the national anthem until 1980, and the Englis version was not approved until 1968 by the Senate

2. For those of you who say immigrants should learn our many of you have been to a sweat? A sundance? Even smudged? I take it the silence means very few.

3. For those of you who say immigration should stop, remember, 95% of Canada's population is immigrants, from the past 400 years.

4. For those of you who say that stuff was in the past (treaties, etc) get over it. I say stop celebrating Canada Day, Confederation was in the past...GET OVER it

5. The problem here is something called privilege. When someone feels something is being taken from them (ie, jobs) what they are really saying is "hey, that job should have been mine.... but it was TAKEN away from me.. I deserved it." Why? Because I have privilege and when I did not get that job, it is unjust because a piece of that unearned privilege has been taken away. (if you honestly do not believe in this whole concept of privilege, you have just proved to yourself it does indeed exist, because EVERYONE else knows it is there. If you do not see it, you got it

5. As for the whole taking jobs thing. I hear people whining about immigrants working at corner stores, driving cabs, etc Are these the jobs they are taking away? APPLY FOR THEM dumbass! At the same time, please keep in mind that those immigrants that are working at the cornerstore, or driving you around in a taxi, could be much more of a hero than you. Chances are, they could easily save your life, as they are probably doctors, but due to our racist policies, are unable to practice.


  1. Check your privilege

  2. greeting from AUS a country about 5% populated and (correct me if im wrong) the country that the term "fuck off we're full" came from

    im sorry on behalf of my country men/women for the morons who came up with this phrase


  3. I want more Asians to come to Canada, tight puzzy yummy

  4. mmm black pussy, when they open the lips put a u.v light and the pink entices my peter. Too bad I wasn't in the slave days, I would be the number 1 white man to empregnant them all. white woman don't know how to suck cucumbers
